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About Alaskan Dogs


Alaskan dog breeds typically live just about anywhere nowadays but they started out in the colder regions. They have adapted to the colder regions in order to servive and thrive. Overall these types of breeds that have been able to adapt in the cold climates they are also very friendly to have as pets. Even though we think that all animals that live in harsh climates, like the ploar bar, are harsh this is not true for these breeds.

If you have ever heard of "sled dogs" alaskan dogs most likly came up in conversation or upon reading about them. The alaskan husky is one of the most inteligent alakan dog out there and is the best choice for pulling your sled around. They have the stongest legs and chest which could easaly pull the sled and there owner. Aside from the strong legs and chest these dogs can also travel very far without getting exausted. Since most of these dogs are used to running around small city places it might not be the best place for them. There are many dogs that we have been able to aquire because of breeding over the years which is why there's so many husky's to choose from.

Fun Facts

  1. Made to run. (This is important if they don't get out then they will take there energy out on your stuff!!)
  2. Very skilled, fast learners
  3. Thick coat of fur to keep them warm
  4. Not the best watch dogs
  5. Don't get fatigued easily
  6. Need to be watched closely
  7. Were used for the army because of their intelligence
  8. Blue eyes mack them different from other breeds
  9. Closely related to wolves

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